Comments on: Wish I Could Tell You, by Martha Conners (A Pen Name) ...what you wish you could say but know you never will... Sun, 27 Jul 2014 07:45:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Miriam Pia Sat, 25 Jun 2011 13:59:49 +0000 Oh my God. It is as much your ex boyfriend’s fault that he got you pregnant as it yours that you got pregnant. It is horribly wrong that his family was demonic, totally evil to you about it – they were mean and wrong about you and slandered you, and ignorant and mean: that’s what I meant by ‘demonic and evil': I mean: ignorant and wrong and cruel to you.

It is true that the letter you wrote and the ways that you deceived the ex that there actually is a child of his out there even though you miscarried is immoral and wrong. Its good that you are aware of that and have written this apology.

It reads as if having the miscarriage may have been ‘a painful mercy’ but maybe it wasn’t, maybe its just another sad fact.

By: WindowShopping Thu, 23 Jun 2011 20:13:15 +0000 Sometimes the best we can do is to seek serenity and wisdom. It’s not a clean process, as you well know. You have regrets about choices you made when you were very young, scared, faced with choices you weren’t really prepared to make… But you’ve come to realize you were not the only one making choices, and you seem to have forgiven Matt for the choices he made. Wisdom and serenity are hard-won badges of difficult choices that don’t always turn out as we had hoped or planned. Trust and believe that everything works toward the good, even if we don’t understand how or why in the here and now.

You seem to have forgiven Matt. It’s time, now, to also forgive yourself. Let go of regret. Believe that whatever perceived flaws or errors you thought were woven into the tapestries of your lives were not really flaws at all, but have enhanced the beauty of the whole.

By: terri elders Thu, 23 Jun 2011 18:38:50 +0000 Put away the guilt, lady. This is a powerful story. You were sixteen and scared, and wanted your boyfriend to feel ashamed. I wonder if he’s still wondering about that child that never was…or if he gained enough wisdom from this experience to use condoms in future encounters. Glad you decided to post this. I know other women need to read such tales of teenage terror and treachery so they don’t feel so all alone in their own memories. ]]>