UNSENT CONFESSIONS: Wish I had the courage to send…
Dear ….,
Not sure how to start this email or even how to end it.
I started it because I needed to. I’m tired of being angry and trying to figure where the blame lies. In the end, none of that matters. You affected me, and I don’t regret it or consider it a mistake.
I wasn’t sure how I would look back on the last year. I understand that you were as honest as you could be. I believe you cared when you could. I no longer blame you nor am I angry or “disappointed.” I hope you’re happy and wish you the best in life. I hope you keep focused on yourself and what you want out of this time, life’s too short…and everyone is deserving of fulfillment.
Don’t feel obligated to respond. This letter isn’t about reconnecting or opening a dialogue. The past belongs where it is. This is to let you know that I cared and hope the best for you because that doesn’t change. I don’t want to be another hurt person, hurting others or numbing out. We aren’t built to be like that.
Take care of yourself and own this life like it’s a miracle, you deserve it no less than anyone else.

I think anger is an emotion with which many of us struggle. I have just realised that it is HUGE and a contributing factor in my own breast cancer. Not something that I find easy to express; the unsent letter is ‘perfect’