Twin Trinity Media / Accentuate Services
[email protected]
The stories and poems in Elements of the Soul were written on four themes: “Fire & Ice”, “Winds of Change”, “April Showers” and “Summer Heat”. Contestants’ submissions were judged on use of theme, adherence to submission guidelines and quality of the story and writing. In addition to the contest winners’ stories, two authors were included in the anthology as Editor’s Picks and received royalty contracts.
The Accentuate Writers Short Story Anthology and Poetry Contest, now in its second year, gives writers an opportunity to obtain critiques, a chance to win cash and merchandise prizes, and a publishing contract. Anyone is eligible to enter the contests for a small fee, but only the best work rises to the top and is included in the Accentuate Writers Anthology.
The managing editor for Twin Trinity Media and owner of Accentuate Services, Michelle L Devon, says, “I have been honored to watch the contests grow and the writers grow along with them. The stories are getting better and the competition is fierce. I’m proud to play a small part in helping make writing dreams come true with these contests and anthologies. It’s very exciting and humbling.”
Authors for Elements of the Soul include: Steven Thor Gunnin, Jennifer Walker, Rissa Watkins, Lindsay Maddox, George Kramer, Lucinda Gunnin, Jo Brielyn, M. Lori Motley, Susan Sosbe and Laurie Darroch-Meekis. The anthology also features talented poets to fill in the pages between stories with wonderful imagery and substance. Michelle L Devon, author of In a Perfect World and The Path: A Series on Redemption and Sensual Awakening, who is a contributing author to other anthologies herself, edited the book and contributed to the foreword.
Elements of the Soul is currently available at a special pre-order price of $13.00, which includes shipping and handling, taxes and a specially made bookmark. Orders can be placed at THIS LINK.
Accentuate Services has been in business for over fourteen years and is dedicated to providing services to authors, from publishing consulting to editing and writing coaching. Other ventures that are part of the Accentuate FAMILY of Author Services include Unsent Letters, Recipes & Recovery, Erotic Anthologies, and the Accentuate Writers Forum, with other projects in the works. Visit the website at for more information.
Twin Trinity Media / Accentuate Services
c/o: Michelle L Devon
Toll-Free: 866.641.8130
[email protected]

I can’t wait to hold a copy of the book in my hand and see my poems in print!