To My Pup Fritz's Prior Owner, Charlotte Raynor
Dear R and wife,
I have wanted to write this letter to you, my ex-husband and your wife, for a very long time. You deserve to know how I feel about you and how you treated my most precious miniature schnauzer, Fritz, before I removed him from your home.
R, you and I were married over 16 years, brought a child into this world together and had a number of different pets, including dogs, in our care. We both loved all animals, especially dogs, and you helped me take care of a number of puppies and dogs throughout our years together. We treated our dogs as well as we treated our son–with love, compassion and care. When we parted ways, we had a dog, Crissy, at the time that we had discussed together about her future. She was a miniature schnauzer my mother had given to me. She was just a puppy when we received her.
After we divorced, both you and I remarried and started our new lives separately, but we still managed to stay friends. Chrissy eventually was too ill to live life without pain and we had to, sadly, put her to sleep. My husband eventually talked me into getting a new puppy, Australian shepherd mixed breed. We named her Shelby. I always wanted another miniature schnauzer, but we did not have much money and a pure breed miniature schnauzer was financially out of our reach.
I heard from my son that you had purchased two little miniature schnauzer puppies that July. I was very happy for you, but wondered to myself if it was a good idea, since I knew your wife had brought an older dog into the marriage. I wondered if the older dog would be very happy with two little puppies joining the household.
I found out later from my son how these puppies were being treated. The puppies, named Fritz and Buster, were kept in a small plastic crate most of the time. They were only let out to do their business outside, and from what my son told me, they were not let out often enough. They were both in the crate because the pups liked to nip at the older dog’s feet, and, of course, the older dog did not like it at all. They were stuck in the crate to avoid “problems”. Why didn’t you consider this potential problem before you bought two puppies? Did you “think” about your older dog and her feelings? Guess not.
As you know, I received that fateful phone call in August from my son. Since the pups were then one year old, it was time for their annual vaccinations, and you and your wife decided it wasn’t worth the money to get the pups their shots. My son knew I loved dogs, especially miniature schnauzers, and when you decided to take the dogs to the pound, he called me. I was livid! Because of your neglectful thinking, you were taking the dogs down to the pound, where they would more than likely be put to sleep. How dare you! And after you crated the poor things for the first ten months of their lives, you just send them away, like they were trash.
As you know, I told my son I would be right over to get the dogs. At the time, we had three dogs living with us, but I was not going to have these poor pups sent to the pound. I drove the 35 miles over to your house to get the pups. You graciously put them in the backseat of my car, in the crate. I said my goodbyes and headed for home. A couple of minutes later, I took a couple of sniffs and I thought, “What is that smell?”
I couldn’t believe how bad those pups smelled in my car. I drove swiftly home, anxious to meet my new “kids”.
When I brought the pups into the house and took them out of the crate, it was a good thing you weren’t around, but you probably could have heard me all the way to your place. I was appalled at how these pups looked and smelled. They were covered in feces and urine and their hair was all matted up. Did you not know that miniature schnauzers need to be groomed? Of course you did, we took Crissy to a groomer every six weeks. Did you not have the money to groom them? Maybe you should have thought of that before you bought the puppies.
Thank goodness for my best friend, Lisa! I called her on the phone in a panic and asked her to come over to help me bathe them so at least they would smell better. How did you put up with that stench? And that crate! I guess you didn’t figure out that you needed to clean that out every once in awhile. Especially since they had to go to the bathroom in the crate and all over each other because you and your stupid wife didn’t have the time to let them outside!
Well, that stinking crate went right out to the garbage. The pups would never have to see that horrendous crate ever again.
I made an appointment with my vet. Fritz and Buster got all their shots, and we also had them groomed and smelling nice. The vet said they were very healthy, which was surprising based on how they had been living. When I found out the two pups had not been house trained, along with my three dogs, it was a little too much to handle. I found a very nice man who adopted Buster to keep his other miniature schnauzer company. You could have done that with both of the pups, but I guess that would have been too much trouble for you.
I could go on screaming at you about how you and your wife were so horrible to these sweet pups, but I’m not going to. The reason is that, thanks to you, I have the best little buddy anybody could ask for. Fritz was housebroken in no time at all, gets along great with my other dogs, and is a dream to have. He’s my little Velcro-dog, following me everywhere–and I mean everywhere, even the bathroom. He does not leave my side. I sleep on my side and Fritz is right next to me on his own pillow.
Fritz, like my other dogs, has free run of the house, has a big fenced in backyard to play in and eats the best food I can get for them. I don’t know if I can make up for the first ten months Fritz spent with you two, but I’m sure as hell trying.
Undoing what you did,
Charlotte Raynor — Charlotte is a freelance writer who lives in Illinois with her five furry kids (dogs) and leopard gecko. She realized how much she loved to write when she went on disability in 1999, and hasn’t stopped since. She is studying to obtain her Associate of Science Degree in Medical Coding and Billing and will graduate in December 2010. Her favorite topics are pets and anything medical. She currently submits articles to Associated Content and Helium.

Sounds like Fritz has an awesome home now. Glad to hear that.
Thank you for taking these pups in. All animals deserve a home like Buster and Fritz got when you took over.
I wondered why they treated the tiny pups so badly while treating the other dogs normally?
You have a heart for dogs….I’m so glad that these two little furry ones ended up in your care.
And don’t fret about the first 10 months they experienced…as Caesar Milan notes, “Dogs live in the moment.” They have YOU now, and adore each and every moment, I’m sure.
Gentle Hugs from a fellow dog lover <3