Jul 27, 2010
Posted on Jul 27, 2010 | 0 comments
This letter had been in my desk, in my heart for a long time. It was said that it’s better to use intellectuality rather than emotions. Yes, I do admit that. But the thing is, though my numb mind says “never mind” to what I feel for you, My heart screams and butterflies fill my stomach every time you pass by.
I am here to simply say I’ve fallen for you, ever since we first knew each other.
Wow, I can’t believe I am finally saying this… (more…)
Jun 21, 2010
Posted on Jun 21, 2010 | 3 comments
Like any mother, you’ve taught me so many things through my youth and adolescence. As a baby, you were the model I based my walking and talking off of. You helped me read and write. You even supported me in things that I wasn’t very good at as I got a little older. Thank you for that. Thank you so, so much.
Do you want to know what you’ve taught best, mom? With all those things that you’ve taught so well, you’ve taught me best to hate myself. When you started yelling and stopped trusting, I started wondering what I was doing wrong. (more…)
Mar 23, 2010
Posted on Mar 23, 2010 | 6 comments
Dearest Love,
It has been three months since you left and your presence still feels as close to me as it ever was. I feel you watching over me, protecting me from all the unknown fears that lie deep in my river of thoughts.
You sheltered me as if I were fragile and breakable. I am broken without you here. Time and space have no meaning. My hours turn to days, and my days turn to months for my shattered being. (more…)
Mar 20, 2010
Posted on Mar 20, 2010 | 2 comments
I remember sitting crying one night when a song came on the radio. You never understood why I cried that night. I never did explain it to you, even after you got angry and stormed around the house. You never did understand that sometimes I just needed to cry and that it didn’t always mean you’d done something wrong. That night, though, it wasn’t so much that you had done something wrong. The reason for my tears was more that you had simply never done anything right. I tried to explain to you that just because you’ve done nothing wrong doesn’t mean you did everything right, and you never understood that either.
I guess in the end it was this lack of understanding that did in our relationship. Of all the things we struggled through, the only one I couldn’t ever move past was you sitting there staring at me with that blank look letting me know that we simply never were on the same page.
But that night, the radio came on, and the song playing had the following lyrics, “You’re a complicated lady, that’s for sure, with a need for someone unafraid to make you feel secure. And if you wonder if I’m strong enough to be your man: Yes I am…”
That’s when the tears started to fall. You see, that’s what I needed… someone strong enough to be there for me, knowing that it would really take someone with amazing strength to do so, and I knew, in that instant, with those words from that song, that it was clear to me you were not strong enough. You weren’t the one. (more…)
Feb 11, 2010
Posted on Feb 11, 2010 | 4 comments
Dear R and wife,
I have wanted to write this letter to you, my ex-husband and your wife, for a very long time. You deserve to know how I feel about you and how you treated my most precious miniature schnauzer, Fritz, before I removed him from your home.
R, you and I were married over 16 years, brought a child into this world together and had a number of different pets, including dogs, in our care. We both loved all animals, especially dogs, and you helped me take care of a number of puppies and dogs throughout o
ur years together. We treated our dogs as well as we treated our son–with love, compassion and care. When we parted ways, we had a dog, Crissy, at the time that we had discussed together about her future. She was a miniature schnauzer my mother had given to me. She was just a puppy when we received her. (more…)