To the Man in the Blue Truck,

Sir, you might think that I’m angry with you, or that I’m writing you this letter so that I can complain about the unkindness of humanity or some other rant about what a horrible person you are.
I’m not. (more…)

Sir, you might think that I’m angry with you, or that I’m writing you this letter so that I can complain about the unkindness of humanity or some other rant about what a horrible person you are.
I’m not. (more…)
I know it is too soon to tell you all of these feelings and thoughts I am having, but these feelings are here and I think it is important to write them down and express them in some way. One day, when we are in love, I will let you read this, and you will know how you have made me feel so early in our relationship. (more…)
Dear Body,
I know I wasn’t very good to you. I would stretch my limits to the point where they were almost ignored. Lifting those washers, dryers, and refrigerators on Monday mornings at that retail store I used to work for probably didn’t help you out too much. Forgive me. I was young and foolish, but what choice did we really have at that time?
I needed to pay off college and send you to the doctor, and the only way to do that was to get paid from the only employer willing to hire a snotty-nosed college grad at the time. We could have tried to smile pretty at the nice doctors, but I don’t think that would have gotten us through the waiting room door. (more…)
I must state emphatically that I am of legal age and sound mind. I am a highly intelligent adult who is quite capable of doing a simple task like sorting through my own emails without supervision. I really do not need to be asked, “Do you know this person,” and clicking on yes or no, when every email appears in my email box, before you allow me to open the email.
I am quite able to distinguish between an email from a dear friend I have known for years and one from the daughter of the former king of Maamboozia who has mysteriously left me 50 million pounds sterling, and who only requires my bank account numbers and personal pin numbers in order to deposit the aforementioned sum in my accounts. (more…)
Dear Miami International Airport,
I just wanted to drop a line and thank you for your ongoing construction projects to “enhance the passenger experience” at Miami International Airport. As an American expat living in the Caribbean, I travel frequently through your airport, because it is one of the main entry ports into the United States.
I have, on more than one occasion, been forced to sleep in your lovely building, typically Terminal D. I though I might suggest that when you are ready to replace your current black pleather chrome-armed chairs, you might opt for a few sofas or daybeds. Your floor is quite hard and a little dirty. It is difficult to sleep with your midsection bent over a cold metal armrest, barring you from a good stretch-out and therefore a few moments nap while clutching your belongings to keep from being robbed mid-dream.
In fact, I would gladly pay $5 an hour for a small closet with a cot. In these tough economic times, this is an idea you may want to pursue, to further “enhance the customer experience”. (more…)